Tips, tricks, and life hacks for living with ME/CFS

I did a talk for my local support group. Here's a video of it. CW: discussion of suicide risk towards the end of the video. There may be other sensitive topics too, but I don't remember what I covered at the moment. I did a talk on tips, tricks, and life hacks for people with … Continue reading Tips, tricks, and life hacks for living with ME/CFS

I have Hipster Long Covid (I was doing it before it was cool), here’s my advice on how to avoid becoming like me

In March 2020 the scientist of the ME community predicted that Covid-19 would cause ME, a lifelong post-viral fatiguing illness, in a portion of those who recovered from infection. They estimated roughly 5-10%, based on SARS1, would struggle to return to pre-infection energy levels, and that many of these would never recover. It didn't take … Continue reading I have Hipster Long Covid (I was doing it before it was cool), here’s my advice on how to avoid becoming like me

There’s a hole in my bucket, dear Liza, dear Liza: failures of mobility aides to give independence

I went to an accessibility expo today. It was a bunch of companies promoting mobility aides and other accessibility and disability related equipment and services. While I was there I started pondering something that keeps coming up when I look at accessibility generally, anId for mobility aides for myself... It's like the old woman who … Continue reading There’s a hole in my bucket, dear Liza, dear Liza: failures of mobility aides to give independence

How Mari Kondo’s system helped me grieve the life I lost

I've seen a lot of criticisms of the Konmari method of decluttering your life. Most of the criticisms I've read are either based on the idea that it's supposed to be one size fits all, that it suggests that everyone should be decluttering and living a minimalist lifestyle, or that throwing stuff away is bad … Continue reading How Mari Kondo’s system helped me grieve the life I lost

Look at these overflowing cupboards… I have nothing to wear/eat, I tell you, absolutely nothing!

I really hate menu planning and eating on said plan. I can see the benefits, but I have never been a fan. When I was younger, and on the weight watchers points system I never used their weekly menus (although I liked some of their recipes), preferring to stick with my natural "what do I … Continue reading Look at these overflowing cupboards… I have nothing to wear/eat, I tell you, absolutely nothing!