How Mari Kondo’s system helped me grieve the life I lost

I've seen a lot of criticisms of the Konmari method of decluttering your life. Most of the criticisms I've read are either based on the idea that it's supposed to be one size fits all, that it suggests that everyone should be decluttering and living a minimalist lifestyle, or that throwing stuff away is bad … Continue reading How Mari Kondo’s system helped me grieve the life I lost

Kicking it old school: Payback is a b***h

One of the major difficulties with managing ME, is the way our bodies deal with any form of stress. It can sometimes be hard to predict how much Post Exertional Malaise (PEM) will knock us out. For me, my symptoms are usually roughly predictable as the symptoms on day 3 will equate to the symptoms … Continue reading Kicking it old school: Payback is a b***h