Why would you willingly risk becoming like me?

I'm so baffled by vaccine reluctance, especially in populations old enough to remember polio. Covid causes long term damage and disability in a devastatingly high proportion of the infected. Severe-acute-respiratory-syndrome-Coronavirus-disease-2019, aka SARS-COV-2, AKA Covid-19 attacks the organs, blood vessels, and nerves. It's not just a respiratory infection, it's a systemic disease. We are seeing data … Continue reading Why would you willingly risk becoming like me?

The good news is it won’t* kill you. (*without help)

I want to address something that I've said a few times in the past (Here and here, and I touch on it here, for example) with isn't entirely 100% perfectly accurate. That ME/CFS won't kill you. Aside from the increases in suicide risk, there is a very small chance that with assistance/negligence from medical professionals … Continue reading The good news is it won’t* kill you. (*without help)

August 8 – International Severe ME day and my ME heroes

I'm fortunate enough that my ME is currently only in the 'Moderate' range, meaning I can stand up on my own most of the time. I do sometimes use a walking aide/wheelchair as a way to manage my energy levels and prevent further deterioration, but I can usually stand and walk without assistance. I have … Continue reading August 8 – International Severe ME day and my ME heroes