Would you rather…

I have a question for you to ponder. How much quality of life are you willing to trade to get through the mundane tasks required in your life and home? Would you be willing to give up your entire weekend's socialising and activity because you vacuumed the living room floor on Thursday? Would you be … Continue reading Would you rather…

I have Hipster Long Covid (I was doing it before it was cool), here’s my advice on how to avoid becoming like me

In March 2020 the scientist of the ME community predicted that Covid-19 would cause ME, a lifelong post-viral fatiguing illness, in a portion of those who recovered from infection. They estimated roughly 5-10%, based on SARS1, would struggle to return to pre-infection energy levels, and that many of these would never recover. It didn't take … Continue reading I have Hipster Long Covid (I was doing it before it was cool), here’s my advice on how to avoid becoming like me

Why would you willingly risk becoming like me?

I'm so baffled by vaccine reluctance, especially in populations old enough to remember polio. Covid causes long term damage and disability in a devastatingly high proportion of the infected. Severe-acute-respiratory-syndrome-Coronavirus-disease-2019, aka SARS-COV-2, AKA Covid-19 attacks the organs, blood vessels, and nerves. It's not just a respiratory infection, it's a systemic disease. We are seeing data … Continue reading Why would you willingly risk becoming like me?