“Sail on silver girl*, sail on by, your time has come to shine, all your dreams are on their way…”

Did anyone else get to witness the amazing auroras? I love how they're (weather and light pollution permitting) visible almost everywhere in the world. The Aurora Australis is really important to me. The first time I saw it, I didn't know what it was and it was entirely by accident. It was 31 March, 2001, … Continue reading “Sail on silver girl*, sail on by, your time has come to shine, all your dreams are on their way…”

Of Poems, Prayers, and Promises: or re-ligi-on

Prelude Last week, my former English, literature, geology, and Religion teacher, John Allison died. I went to his funeral on Sunday.  It was so very him. It also got me thinking about a few things. So yes, this is another post about someone dying and my attending a funeral, but that is how the human … Continue reading Of Poems, Prayers, and Promises: or re-ligi-on

How Mari Kondo’s system helped me grieve the life I lost

I've seen a lot of criticisms of the Konmari method of decluttering your life. Most of the criticisms I've read are either based on the idea that it's supposed to be one size fits all, that it suggests that everyone should be decluttering and living a minimalist lifestyle, or that throwing stuff away is bad … Continue reading How Mari Kondo’s system helped me grieve the life I lost

August 8 – International Severe ME day and my ME heroes

I'm fortunate enough that my ME is currently only in the 'Moderate' range, meaning I can stand up on my own most of the time. I do sometimes use a walking aide/wheelchair as a way to manage my energy levels and prevent further deterioration, but I can usually stand and walk without assistance. I have … Continue reading August 8 – International Severe ME day and my ME heroes